Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Final Decision...

So here's the deal... I'm back in the UAE for now but to go to college but to see my family and organise some thoughts in my head... I was telling this lady in Syria who I totally look up to about my situation because I sincerely do not want to live in the UAE. I send her a text message telling her that things didn't really work out. They said that yes, I'm accepted in the company but not at the moment... They'll let me know once they have a job opening or at least create a position for me, or something of that nature. Anyways, she called me as soon as she read it and then she asked me if I wanted to work with her as a 3rd grade teacher. I was thinking, hey why not? It's a temp job for this year, and who knows I might LOVE it.

So I decided to go to the UAE to take care of my residency and then go back Syria to start doing what I need to be doing... That makes me happy because I'll be doing a lot of the things I love doing that don't get the chance to do here in the UAE. I'm going to be a Voice Over talent, I'll joining this motivtional volunteer program. Plus, I might have deal going with this Lebanese Islamic music band. I already compose a song for them so and the rest is still in the making. So it'll all be good... I'm looking forward to it all... I just feel that my dreams can come true in Syria and in the UAE, it's just cool to make good cash but that's not my aim.

That's it for now.... Wish me luck and I'm going to go pray and Thank God for my blessings...


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