Monday, September 05, 2005

What next?!?!

Well, it's been almost a year since I've graduated college in Malaysia and believe it or not, I still don't have my diploma. The campus in Malaysia finally got it from Australia 4 months after I graduated in Oct. 2004. Since in the Arab world they love to make it a living hell for it's people, I needed to certify my diploma along with my transcripts at the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of foreign Affairs in Malaysia before sending them over to be certified again by the Ministry of Education in the UAE. The procedure at the ministry in the UAE alone takes about 3 months.

My college in Malaysia are taking care of getting my papers certified. The first email I got from them was April 13th 2005 telling me that they're taking care of it all. The guy in charge kept sending me emails later to keep me posted. I thought all was going fine until what I feared the most and was certainly expecting from Malaysian officials actually did happen. I got this beautiful reassuring email from my college today:

"Dear Sara,I am sorry to say that I have some bad news. The ministry of education here has informed me that they have lost/misplaced your documents that I sent for certification. I made some noise at their office and was able to meet their head who reaffirmed me that your case will be looked into immediately. The officer in charge has apologized and has said that she will try to expidite the matter ASAP. I will be meeting her later this week and once I have more information, I will let you know.



That's is one of the reasons why I hated living in Malaysia... Nothing gets done unless you scream and get some people in trouble. I had to put up with it at school, with cab drivers and even doctor's offices etc... The crappy thing is that I can't get a proper job in the UAE until I get all my papers certified. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!

So what do you think? Is it better here in Syria or there in Malaysia. I see it that it's all the same. It's been 11 months and it's not even close for me to get my certified proof of education. I can't believe that stupid piece of paper can be that essential in getting job. I'm beyond pissed off and I just feel like going down to Malaysia and kick some ass.

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